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Coaching: FAQ
Happy Friends Laughing

Soul-Deep Connections: A 12 Week Pathway

'This course has been absoutely life-changing!'

My signature small-group coaching programme has been designed with singles / solos in mind, though I will sometimes allow others to join as well, depending on circumstances. The crucial thing is that it's not about dating! It's about deep purpose, belonging and community. When you're going through the world solo, your relationship with your friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and others are incredibly important as your main route to access support, validation, understanding, love and respect. But what if your closest relationships aren't serving you as well as they could be?


If you've ever felt as though you 'give to' more than you 'get back' from the important people in your life, if you wish you had more fun, adventure, good conversation and support, and if you crave greater emotional intimacy, then Soul Deep Connections could be for you.


I've designed the course for thoughful, independent types who want to build greater purpose and meaning into their lives, to feel more secure in their friendships and closest relationships, and confident in cultivating healthy, emotionally intimate connections.

Happy Friends

About You

On the surface of it, your life probably looks as though you have most things sorted out. You live independently and you have a job or other income that pays the bills. You have interests and hobbies, perhaps you're community-spirited. You have people you call friends, some family, perhaps colleagues or neighbours who you see regularly, and a decent social life. Even though you've faced setbacks, you’re grateful for the opportunities that you've been afforded. Oh, and you’re conscientious too. You care about doing the right thing, and you want the people you care about to be okay.


Even so, you sometimes feel like something's not working as well as it could.


Perhaps you keep things going on the surface, but underneath sometimes feel directionless, tired, and lacking in purpose. You probably feel busy, but don't feel as though you're thriving as much as you'd like to be. Perhaps you've been through a major life change (moving home, starting a new job, separation, health issues, beareavement) within the last few years, and nothing's quite felt the same since. Perhaps you work hard to maintain relationships with the important people in your life, but don't feel that effort's always repaid, or that your connections are as fulfilling and supportive as they could be. You sometimes wonder whether others value their relationship with you in the same way that you value them. You might feel guilt or shame that you're not in a romantic relationship at the moment. You wish that you could feel fully 'seen' in your closest relationships.


You wish you knew where you were heading in life, and you crave greater emotional intimacy, understanding and support. On a deep level, you may worry about one day being left alone. 


Although you're on top of things in many ways, you know that things could be working better for you than they are. You want to take positive action to bring greater clarity, purpose, meaning and connection into your life. You want to transform your relationships so that you feel more confident, valued, supported and fulfilled, and able to show up authentically.


If this sounds like you, then book a discovery call to get the ball rolling, or scroll down for more information about this course. 




What You'll Learn

In this intensive 12 week programme, you'll learn:

  • Powerful strategies to rapidly improve the depth and quality of your relationships with the people who already matter to you, and to attract more high quality connections into your life

  • How to recognise the unconscious habits that are quietly sabotaging your ability to build the life you want - and how to fix this

  • The power of self-connection, and simple practices for rapidly improving your sense of purpose and power

  • Overcome common connection pitfalls and show up in your relationships in a way that leaves you feeling seen, heard, valued and supported to achieve your goals

  • How to shake off rejections and setbacks with confidence

  • You’ll learn as part of a small, supportive group who will become your connection champions! Check the FAQs for more about my group coaching model.

'Hannah is supportive, knowledgable, enthusiastic and inclusive'
Friends Talking

Lena Letworth, September 2020

"It's as though you know exactly the perfect way to help me achieve my best, and my confidence has grown in abundance. On a personal level, I think you are absolutely amazing. Your energy, humour and sense of fun is wonderful to be around. You are also unquestionably kind, which to me is the ultimate quality any human can have."

Wandering Traveler

What's Included

  • At least 18 hours of structured, high impact coaching work in small groups of no more than 8 people

  • Plenty of informal 'salon' time with other course members where we discuss what we've learnt and look at real-life case studies

  • Continuous support by whatsapp and email through the 12 weeks that we work together.

  • Supplementary exercises, workbooks, audits and reading, to complete in your own time

  • 1-1 check-ins during and after the course

  • VIP, lifetime access to the Friendshift Inner Circle

  • Transformational results!

Smiling middle aged mature grey haired woman looking at camera, happy old lady in glasses

Clare, February 2022

"Before the course l was stuck in a rut with a very limited social life and no confidence in taking steps to make new friends or manage those relationships I already had. I was drawn to the course's unique focus on friendships and non-romantic connections, and felt amazed at how quickly we came together as a group. This course has given me space to reflect on my friendships, and the confidence to start to reclaim 'me' (and I've learnt that boundaries are key!)"

Image by Duy Pham



A Discovery Call is a coaching taster session, lasting 30 - 45 minutes. The session is completely free, and is simply an opportunity for you to get a feel for how I work. There's no obligation - if we get to the end of the call and you decide that you would like to leave it there, then that's absolutely fine. If you would like to talk about the course, then we can also spend some time talking about what you'd like to achieve, and then whether the course is the right fit to help you get the results you're looking for. I'm happy to answer any questions that you have, and if we agree the course is right for you, then we can talk about next steps. If we agree it's not, then I'll do my best to help you find something that is. Ultimately, my priority is getting you to where you want to be in the best possible way.


Assuming there's an open course available for booking, you can put down a deposit and reserve a place, however we will need to have a short phone call or video call before I can confirm your place. That's because I want you to get the greatest value for your time and your money - coaching isn't right for everyone, and this course may not be the right fit for you. It's really important that we talk that through before the course starts. I'm happy to call you back at a time that's convenient! 


Absolutely! The ways we connect as adults - with ourselves and other people - usually stem from behaviours learnt from those around us - particuarly our parents and older siblings - when we are very young. While the way you go about your life might feel natural and as though it's the only way to do things, it's actually just a series of habits that you're probably not even aware of most of the time! Other people often aren't aware of how they connect either. In this course, we'll focus on making the unconscious conscious, handing you control of your connections and ensuring you go away feeling empowered to manage your life in a way which leaves you feeling seen, connected and fulfilled.


Coaching isn't counselling, and it isn't therapy, though I sometimes draw on therapeutic techniques. Coaching helps you define a compelling vision for your future, and helps you remove blocks, tackle limiting self-beliefs, and build new behaviours and habits to help you get there. Coaching is an active process - far removed from passive powerpoint presentations, coaching encourages you to take responsibility for your learning, to get used to being on the edge of your comfort zone, and to commit to change. It's not always a comfortable process, and I won't always tell you what you want to hear! But I will be absolutely on your side - and together we'll move you closer to getting the results you're looking for.


Absolutely not! People seek coaching for many different reasons - it's very common to have career coaching if you're looking for a change in direction, executive coaching for senior leaders, life coaching for general direction, and dating and relationship coaching is also really common. We all have aspects of our lives we need to fine tune, and our non-romantic connections are just one of those areas. 


When we're thinking about connection, group coaching is where the magic happens. Other people's insights and experiences are as powerful for your learning as anything I can teach, and it's only in a group coaching environment that we'll get that benefit. Group coaching can be less intensive than 1-1 coaching, giving you time to reflect and process without always being in the limelight. You'll learn from others in a small, supportive group of people all working towards the same goal, and you'll be able to continue your learning with the same group after the course ends. I'm a huge fan of this model, which is why my signature course is designed for groups! I understand though that group coaching won't be appropriate for everyone's circumstances, and I do offer a small number of 1-1 coaching arrangements as an alternative. These run over the same 6 week timeframe, with space to tailor the content perfectly to your needs. Drop me a line if this is something you'd like to discuss. 


No. This course is open to those whose primary relationships are with their friends, family, housemates, neighbours and/or colleagues, rather than a 'significant other.' This may also include some people in romantic relationships (for example those who are newly in relationships and in long distance relationships). It may be possible for others to take part - we would need to have a conversation so that I can understand your specific circumstances.


That's not all though - this course demands introspection, openness to new ideas, the willingness to accept responsibility for the quality of your current relationships, and the determination to do things differently. So that each course offers the highest quality experience, it's important that everyone who takes part is open to those conditions. 


I'd strongly encourage you towards group coaching, even if it feels uncomfortable at first. That's because the focus is on connection, and practising / learning as part of a small, supportive group is a powerful way to get the results you are looking for. We spend time at the start of the course agreeing ground rules for how we're going to work together to make sure everyone feels safe, valued, supported and able to contribute.


I do offer a small number of bespoke private coaching arrangements - use this form to let me know what you're looking for.  


Yes! It's absolutely fine to book onto the same course as a friend. Request a callback to let me know what you're looking for. 


Yes! You're welcome to book from anywhere in the world, as long as the times suit you (all times in GMT), as all sessions are run online.  leave your details and I'll see what I can do - if I have enough interest from a particular part of the world then I can look at running a new course.


The full twelve week course costs £1250 + VAT, and is priced to reflect the impact that I aim for you to achieve. 


I occasionally run special offers, however the course is already competitively priced. It's important to remember that you're not just paying for my time - you're paying for the positive impact on your quality of life of the work you'll put in, and the investment in your future. If you're not sure about whether this is the right investment for you at this point, a good question to ask yourself is how much your 90 year old self would tell you it was worth investing to create the kind of change in your life that you want to see. 


I'm happy to offer payment plans where this is helpful - just let me know that this is something in which you'd be interested. 


For corporate bookings, please drop me a message so we can talk about what you need.


All sessions take place online via Zoom. You will be sent full instructions prior to joining.

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